Energy in Quebec and Canada: A Conversation Starter
Hosted on March 30 – 31 st, 2015
The 2nd annual Trottier Symposium raises awareness and engagement with the energy choices that Quebec and Canada will make in the coming years.
Full Event
Energy is fundamental for our society. An energy
strategy consists of the decisions, policies and
regulations that touch on energy issues within a political jurisdiction. Establishing an energy strategy involves making choices that inevitably impact society, and the full consequences of these choices may be difficult to grasp.
The presentation and discussions will expand on the issues raised in the paper Energy in Quebec and Canada: A Conversation Starter available on this web page.
The presentation and discussions will expand on the issues raised in the paper Energy in Quebec and Canada: A Conversation Starter available on this web page.
Everyone in attendance will have the opportunity to take a stand on various issues both through a personal response system (also known as “clickers”), and by asking specific questions during the discussion period.
Meet our speakers

Hans Björn Püttgen
Professor, School of Electrical
and Electronic Engineering |
Senior Director, Energy Research Institute @ NTU
A world view on energy

Steven Gabriel
Professor, University of
Maryland-College Park
Energy in Quebec and

Jacques BeaudryLosique, Po 82
Senior Vice President Corporate and Business Development || Algenol Biofuels Inc.
Where are biofuels driving us?

Mette Helene Bjørndal
Professor, Department of
Business and Management
Science, NHH Norwegian
School of Economics.
Scandinavian Perspective on

Richard O’Neill
Chief Economic Advisor, US
Federal Energy Regulatory
US Perspective on Energy

Catherine Potvin
Professor, Department of
Biology, McGill